I Couldn't Stop Even If I Wanted To, But I Never Will

"Because the homeless are a vulnerable particularly population that lack resources, we at "Rise Up 4 Change" are always keeping them in our thoughts and prayers and constantly seeking ways to continue to support them. One of our biggest challenges was finding resources to support our efforts in providing for the children and families at Chapman Partnership. We didn't allow that to stop us from giving from our hearts and pockets to serve a need. Every homeless person has a story.   

Youth homelessness is a more serious issue than most people know. It is likely that a teen in your neighborhood is living with a parent in a car at Walmart parking lot, sleeping on couches at friends' houses, or staying on the streetFred and I never forgot about the homeless teenagers that we talked to who were reaching out for help they all seemed to have this unforgettable sadness in their eyes. Fear in their voices. They are not criminals; they are the victims of homelessness. We felt the need to do something and provide the basic necessities, volunteer and offer our time and resources without cost and create a safe environment of acceptance and respect among the most vulnerable and forgotten population to reach out in love without judgment and help to improve a youth's self-esteem. When youth feel accepted and safe, they can begin to heal from repeated rejection and build relationships with providers.

Rise Up 4 Change staff made a commitment to not only respond to their needs but assured them that they will never walk alone. I'm happy to say, that we've kept that promise for the past 8 years. When we received this letter from Chapman's Partnership on October 02, 2020 from Mr. Henderson in the mail, you would've thought we won the lottery. It's an indescribable feeling you get just knowing that you've made a difference in someone's life. We've been successful to provide needed services to over 1500 disadvantaged/ homeless youth by creating safe spaces for them to express themselves by creating an environment in which they feel comfortable talking and sharing in group sessions, empowers them to make positive choices at school, at home and in their communities.    

Chapman Partnership Empowering The Homeless

​Thank you, Rise Up 4 Change, Inc. Mr. Henderson 

Rise Up 4 Change, Inc 
CEO/Founder Angela M. Thomas

Delivering Snacks and Can goods for the Children and Families during Covid-19 at the Homeless Shelter.

Chapman Partnership Community Volunteer Recognition Award

Rise Up 4 Change, Inc. 


Change That Is Truly Possible
Rise Up in Faith, Courage and Action


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