Rise Up in Faith, Courage and Action


We all have a story. Life can be darn hard some times. You NEVER KNOW what someone's story is. It takes time to know people. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Listen for their story. Love well, because many are enduring storms we couldn't possibly even imagine.

If things haven't been going the way you've planned, know this: Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy cometh in the morning." We've all been stirred by unexpected events this year. Many have lost hope, and experienced some of the darkest of nights. We may not be able to control all the events that happen in our lives, but we can decide not to be reduce by them.

It would do us all a world of good to judge others less, open our hearts just a little bit more, and chip away at the unreasonable expectations we sometimes place on ourselves. We aren't perfect, but we are blessed to live this life and we are better off being whole and real than being fragmented and partially hidden. I believe people will still accept and even love us exactly as we are, and those who don't didn't love the real us, and that's more than okay. There's so much freedom when you understand how and choose to be the real you, you will have this powerful force called integrity by your side, every step of the way, and that's truly a beautiful thing.

Despite what you may currently believe, the sum of you is far more powerful, brilliant, and beautiful than you can imagine…including that which you may currently view as flawed, broken beyond repair or inadequate. I believe we're all here to make a difference. I believe it's possible to break the imaginary boundaries that hold us captive in a life that we believe we have to settle for, and touching the realms of the unthinkable. We can decide at any moment to stand up, continue fighting for what we believe in and be the best version of ourselves. It takes action. It takes work. It takes hard work. But you are worthy, you are loved, and change begins with you.

It's time for us to give and share our unique gifts with the world. "I believe this too shall pass." When we choose a path of truth and love, we can become agents of miracles and change. My hopes are that you will find faith, hope and heal. 

I Couldn't Stop Even If I Wanted To, But I Never W...
Clean Up Your Mental State


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Tuesday, 18 February 2025
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