We have the opportunity to make change possible for all of us. We cannot turn our backs anymore or walk away from what is happening in our world.

Young people are dying on the streets from physical abuse and gun violence. When you choose to pick up a firearm, you become responsible for the consequences, and when you make a series of conscious decisions that end with you taking the life of an innocent person, you should face the consequences. It is time to help each other build neighborhoods where each of our kids, teens, and adults can feel safe and secure from crime, violence, racism, and discrimination.

"Never Give Up'' because I believe this is a fight that we can win if we all work together. Physically Abusing, Shooting, or killing an innocent person is not right and never acceptable. Let us make a personal commitment together to not be involved in violence. To stand up and not only speak about it but do something about it by going to the voting polls, peacefully protesting, and educating all those we encounter throughout our day.

Our families are torn and hurt by violence. Our communities are being destroyed by violence. We have an obligation to respond. We must listen to the young voices protesting for change as they will be our future leaders and not willing to place on hold seeking justice anymore, for what we know is right. Fear of violence and police brutality is paralyzing and polarizing our communities and families. We have to opportunity to make change possible for all of us. We cannot turn our backs anymore or walk away from what is happening in our world.

Respect for life must guide the choices we make as individuals and as a society: what we do and will not do, what we value and consume, what we support and what we oppose. Respect for human life is the starting point for confronting a culture of violence. We see the loss of lives. Our children see the loss of lives. Our families see the loss of lives. The entire nation sees the loss of lives. We should not let this time in our lives just go back to business as usual. We have been silenced too long and it is time to stand up for justice!

CEO/ Angela M. Thomas 

Holding On To Your Faith In The Midst Of Doubts
Nonviolence Miranda Warning


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Tuesday, 18 February 2025
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