Holding On To Your Faith In The Midst Of Doubts

Although, we're all hurting inside for everything has changed and nothing will ever ever be the same. There's loss all around us, disappointment, fear and worry. There's certainly no denying that. I know it, I see it, I hear it, and I feel it. We all do. But my faith will not falter, for my faith is stronger, my dreams and hopes hasn't diminished or disappeared and the love in my heart there's a lot of it is still there too.

Some of us have loss loved ones, jobs, homes, and our sense of self-worth. We're not sure of what's going to happen at the end of our day or our tomorrow's. But in the midst of all of this craziness that surrounds us and consume our minds, I see a community rising up for greater change and sharing and giving sacrificially out of love to their neighbors and strangers. 

The world is experiencing God sitting in their living rooms on the television or internet. Families being creative and figuring out a new normal, spending time together watching movies, playing games and having a family meal together. Learning to have more patience than before with one another as co-worker's connecting on Zoom or Google. Singles are finding ways to still connect and communicate with others online.

I've come to have a more appreciation for our Health care professionals tirelessly working to fight for and care for our loved ones⁣ while putting their own lives on the line. Some major Corporations and companies still trying to find ways to support and take care of their employees. Just to sum all this up, I see the hands of God at work. The good news is, even in our doubts, the God we are not sure of, is certain to meet us right where we are.
Pain is uncomfortable
We have the opportunity to make change possible fo...


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Tuesday, 18 February 2025
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